Electronic Adventure V2

Whether at school or at home: The new education kit "The journey with the micro:bit in Makecode V2" takes young explorers from the age of eight on an electrifying expedition into the world of microcontrollers: How does a micro:bit work? How do I program it? And what can I do with the mini-computer? Everything it takes to get exciting answers to these questions is available in the new learning travel case "The journey with the micro:bit V2".

Electronic Adventure is an innovative joint project of the electronics specialists Joy-IT and Elektor, who have combined their know-how here to develop interesting and, above all, practical educational products with real educational benefits and high quality.

The result is creative content that is unique in this form: The travel case offers researchers and their accompanying teachers or parents exercises that build on each other and shows step by step how easy it is to carry out exciting microcontroller experiments. The instruction book for young discoverers, which is suitable for young people and designed with attention to detail, has 80 pages and is didactically well prepared with great pictures and plenty of space for notes. Accompanying explanatory videos complement the learning journey and make programming with the micro:bit V2 based on "Makecode" literally child's play.
On a separate website, even more exciting moments with the micro:bit V2 await the young users and their learning companions, as well as a forum that helps with questions and problems. Thus, this kit is not only suitable for one-time use, but can be reprogrammed again and again. The accompanying guide for teachers and parents offers further background information and additional suggestions for project implementation.
The focus is on learning success through fun

Not only are all the necessary project components and a child-friendly experimental field included in the scope of delivery, but all the projects described can also be used directly in practice, thus promoting learning success with many new discoveries and lots of fun. Because with the help of the Electronic Adventure Kit, kids not only learn to create a program code, but also to build a pedometer, play music according to notes, control a traffic light with LED or program an alarm siren.
Each exercise starts with a concrete example to be replicated. Wiring and code are given, so that first a working solution and a sense of achievement ensure learning success. Subsequently, the individual aspects of electronics and programming are explained and further differentiation is offered as well as transfer tasks suggested.
Pilot project of the state of NRW: New learning kit is part of the "Pact for Computer Science".
"The Journey with the BBC micro:bit" is being used in practice as part of a pilot project "Pact for Computer Science" of the state of NRW. The patron is the Ministry for Economy, Innovation and Digitalization. Together with the "Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences" (Campus Kamp-Lintfort), experimental workshops are held at schools in their vicinity, which are also supported in terms of personnel by the participating companies.

Even more material on the "Electronic Adventure" website
The website of the "Electronic Adventure" series provides detailed and easy-to-understand videos for each project, further information and a forum to help with problems and questions.


Age group

from 8 years

School class

from the 2nd grade


BBC micro:bit



Power supply

battery-powered, rechargeable battery-powered, via USB

Storage type


Memory capacity

256 kB

Clock frequency

16 MHz

RAM capacity

16 kB

Additional information

Items shipped

Instruction book, accompanying booklet, experiment setup, USB cable, copper tape, aluminum foil, crocodile clips, piezo buzzer, resistors, colored LEDs, batteries, rubber band, photodiode, RGB LED, BBC micro:bit



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