Electronic Adventure - Open Roberta Edition

Discover the revolutionary Electronic Adventure Kit, now in a new edition, powered by OpenRoberta and developed in close cooperation with the renowned Fraunhofer Institute. This innovative educational project, a joint venture between electronics specialists Joy-IT and Elektor, takes children and young people aged eight and over on a fascinating journey into the world of microcontrollers. The kit, consisting of a fully equipped suitcase, introduces the young explorers to the basics and advanced applications of microcontroller technology through practical exercises that build on each other.

Whether at home or at school, the kit makes it possible to explore exciting questions: How does a microcontroller work? How do I program it? What can I do with this mini-computer? The accompanying, lovingly designed instruction book with 80 pages, supplemented by clear explanatory videos and a supporting website, makes learning the technology fun and accessible. In addition, a forum on the website offers help with questions and problems, promotes exchange and continuous engagement with the topic.

The projects included in this kit are not only educational but also directly practical, from creating a programming code to building a pedometer to playing music from sheet music. Each exercise begins with a concrete example and leads step by step to a concrete


Special Features

Powered by Open Roberta: In cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute,
Ideal introduction to the world of microcontrollers,
Practical learning content from basics to application projects,
Complete set in suitcase format,
Step-by-step instructions in an illustrated instruction book,
Accompanying explanatory videos for an interactive learning experience,
Focus on education, innovation and creative problem solving,
All required content & equipment included

Target group

Children & teenagers from 8 years

School class

from 2nd grade

Specialist areas

Computer science, technology, natural sciences


Programming, critical thinking, problem solving

Areas of application

School, home, extracurricular activities

Didactic projects included


Student handbook

Main manual,
Suitable for pupils & young researchers,
Contains all didactic explanations, information and programming,
Accompanies step by step throughout the entire journey

Accompanying manual

Support for teachers & parents,
Information on the set's travel utensils and the programming language,
Useful background information,
Hints with tips & tricks for the process,
Further, additional tasks and extensions

Additional information


25 x 18 x 6 cm


376 g

Items shipped

Instruction book, accompanying booklet, experiment setup, copper tape, aluminum foil, crocodile clips, piezo buzzer, resistors, colored LEDs, rubber band, photodiode, RGB LED, micro:bit V2, battery box, micro USB cable



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