2.42" OLED Display
Our OLED display convinces with its excellent image quality in terms of brightness, contrast and the large viewing angle. Thanks to its low power consumption, the OLED display is ideally qualified for energy-saving projects and industrial applications. The graphics and texts are displayed in the colour yellow and stand out excellently due to the black background. The connection to the single board computer or microcontroller can be done via the connectors on the board as well as via the enclosed 20 pin connector. The display can be controlled via 2 serial interfaces (SPI or I²C) and 2 parallel interfaces (6800 or 8080). The serial SPI interface is activated when delivered, but the interface can be changed by soldering the resistors (BS1 and BS2) on the board.
Corresponding application examples and programming codes are described in detail in our manual.
Negative OLED
128 x 64 pixels
Screen and background color
yelllow on black
Delivery status: SPI
Further: I2C, 8 Pin parallel 6800 / 8080 (soldering is required to change the interface)
20 pins header
Drive IC
Special features
Contrastful and bright
Voltage supply
3-5 V
Power supply
90 mA
Logic level
3 V
120 CD/m²
Contrast (dark-room)
> 2000 :1
Viewing angle
> 160 °
Permitted operation temperature
-40 to 85°C
Storage temperature
-45 to 90 °C
Additional information
71 x 50 x 10 mm
Items shipped
2.42" OLED module with pin header (not soldered)
Article No.